Friday, April 27, 2012

The Amazing Amazon Kindle DX Design

EBook readers today come with different sizes and nowadays, whatever the size is, it doesn't matter anymore. Kindle 2 seems like what most people want to have but since the release of Kindle DX, the popularity of Kindle 2 has gone down. This device although has a bigger screen than Kindle 2 but it offers great new tricks for users. "It is time to green up and get with the digital revolution" is what this model wants to show to the academic publishers. Amazon just recently announced that this device has reached an agreement with three major textbook publishers although, to date, there are no actual textbooks distributed to this device.

The screen is the most obvious thing about this eReader. Its screen is a lot bigger than the other Kindle models. The screen size of this model is 9.7 inches which is equivalent to the whole size of Kindle 2 model. With this bigger screen size reading books feels entirely more like reading a novel because the amount of content on each page is the same. Users can see two and a half Kindle 2 pages on Kindle DX screen. This is quite noticeable. Because Kindle DX is bigger in size, the weight is also heavier than Kindle 2. The design is streamlined which is good to have a more natural feeling upon holding it.

This model also has a very sensitive orientation sensor. This means that whenever you want to change position, the screen also shifts accordingly. Moving one side to the other makes the orientation kick in and move the screen accordingly. Kindle DX rotation does not need a full 90-degree turn to trigger screen rotation.

To read more on Amazon's Kindle go to Amazon Kindle review - Kindle reviews or go to Wireless reading device.

ShieMae Taylor

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