Saturday, May 12, 2012

So Why Should You Buy the Kindle DX?

I'll assume if you're reading this article you've come to the conclusion already that you're in the market for an e-reader. Therefore, I will not belabor that point.

I'm sure you've narrowed your choices down to the big three

1.) The Kindle

2.) The iPad

3.) The Sony Reader (and maybe even Barnes and Nobles nook)

Now I'm not going to review all these for you. TO me the choice is the Kindle. And I'll give you 5 features that I feel really push it over the top.

1.) Its Electronic ink technology and lighting make the Kindle easy to read. Computer screens have a tendency to annoy the eyes, but the Kindle's special ink technology solves this big problem.

2.) It holds over 1,500 books so you'll never be without a book. You can read and read and never run out.

3.) The Kindle now has a PDF reader, so you can now download your important work PDF and read them more comfortably.

4.) You get FREE wireless coverage with the Kindle, no extra costs, and its global so you can upload from almost anywhere.

5.) The read-to-me feature, with this feature the Kindle will read the text from your book back to you. It's like an audio book and text book all in one. This is a great feature for road trips or plane rides. Just plug in your ear buds and let the Kindle read to you!

These great features will only enhance your reading experience, which brings me to my next point.

To me the Kindle is the best choice, because it's the best e-reader...point blank. While the iPad is a tremendous product, it falls short as an e-reader. It is built for other things and only doubles as an e-reader because it looked like an attractive market for Apple.

It's really a Netbook.

Apple's biggest fault as an E-Reader, is also one of its biggest strengths as a product. Its screen. You see the iPad screen is absolutely gorgeous, top notch. But for an e-reader its terrible, because it's too much like a computer screen.

Computer screens tend to wear on your eyes after long periods of time. They tire your eyes out, and almost hurt them. Its due to the bright colors and glare that comes off the screen. A good e-reader cannot have this.

By contrast, the Kindle DX screen is nearly perfect. Amazon's electronic ink technology makes books come alive electronically, and the screen contrast is so perfect you can read for hours without the slightest sign or symptom of annoyance.

Now I know I've only really commented on the iPad and Kindle...but this is intentional. You see the Sony reader is nice, but quite frankly not as good as the Kindle, and the Nook is just not far enough along to even discuss.

If you're looking for a top-notch E-reader, your only choice is the Kindle DX.



If you enjoyed reading this article on the Apple iPad and the Amazon Kindle, you might want to check out my blog, [http://www.Thekindledxreviews.Com], where I post about the Kindle dx and e-readers in general

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