Thursday, July 26, 2012

Review of The Amazon Kindle 3G

The new Kindle is said to be one of the best reading gadgets on the market.

Some of the major benefits of this great new gadget are: built-in Wi-Fi, turns pages faster, no glare, smaller and lighter, weighs only 8.7 ounces, can hold up to 3,500 books, downloads books in 60 seconds, better contrast, darker fonts, dictionary lookup and free 3G wireless.

Even better, the new Kindle can hold a charge up to 30 days with the wireless function off, with wireless on the Kindle will hold it's charge up to 10 days.

It's small design still with a 6" screen allows you to hold it comfortably for as long as you would like to read. The Kindle is lighter than most paperbacks and thinner than a magazine. The page turners are located on the left and right side for easy turning no matter which hand you prefer to use. The soft back cover makes it easier to hold for comfort and does not generate heat.

You can choose from a selection of over 750,000 books as well as audio books, and periodicals. There are over 610,000 books that are available to download for less than $9.99. You also have the ability to download and read the first chapter of a book before you buy the book. This is great, you might read the first chapter and have no interest in the book.

In the near future you will be able to share your books with other Kindle users for up to 14 days. Any books you purchase from the Kindle Store are stored in your Kindle library and can be wirelessly downloaded again for free at anytime. You can categorize your books by Author, category or your favorite book collection.

If you are thinking of getting an e-reader, the new Kindle is the way to go. There is no wireless setup with the new kindle, some others require a wireless setup, the free 3G connection uses the wireless signal that cell phones use with no fees attached. There is no set-up, software or computer needed to use the Kindle, simply open the box and read. It can't get any easier then that.

It is a great gadget to have while traveling as it does not require a Wi-Fi hot spot to download books and has wireless coverage almost everywhere you travel.

This new Kindle is definitely the way to go.

Finally, the Kindle makes a great gift. Another great gift idea are Sterling Silver number charms. Whether Gold, silver or even brass, number charms are a great idea for most anyone.

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